SURGICAL Proctoscope Deluxe Quality

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SURGICAL Proctoscope Deluxe Quality

Name: SURGICAL Proctoscope Deluxe Quality
Code: SP098
Description: Proctoscope is an instrument used to visualize internal piles (hemorrhoids) and rectum.Proctoscope is made from high quality, durable Brass & Chrome Plated Matt Finish. The Proctoscopes are completely reusable. These reusable theatre instruments conf Proctoscope is an instrument used to visualize internal piles (hemorrhoids) and rectum.Proctoscope is made from high quality, durable Brass & Chrome Plated Matt Finish. The Proctoscopes are completely reusable. These reusable theatre instruments conf
Price: Rs.650  Rs.650 (0% OFF) Rs.650
Stock: Available
Payment Mode: Cash On Delivery [COD] & Online Payment
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SURGICAL Proctoscope Deluxe Quality
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