Pocket Pen Type Bright Led Torch For Nurses Doctors Surgeons And Medical Studenta

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Pocket Pen Type Bright Led Torch For Nurses Doctors Surgeons And Medical Studenta

Name: Pocket Pen Type Bright Led Torch For Nurses Doctors Surgeons And Medical Studenta
Code: PPTB09
Description: Professional medical pen light for checking. With pupil gauge and 5cm ruler marking, these professional penlight is ideal and handy tool for EMT staff, nurses, doctors, and medical students. lightweight, pocket size, and sleek design. Professional medical pen light for checking. With pupil gauge and 5cm ruler marking, these professional penlight is ideal and handy tool for EMT staff, nurses, doctors, and medical students. lightweight, pocket size, and sleek design.
Price: Rs.225  Rs.225 (0% OFF) Rs.225
Stock: Available
Payment Mode: Cash On Delivery [COD] & Online Payment
For UPI Payment: My UPI
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Pocket Pen Type Bright Led Torch For Nurses Doctors Surgeons And Medical Studenta
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