Eye Pinhole Occuluder

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Eye Pinhole Occuluder

Name: Eye Pinhole Occuluder
Code: EPC01
Description: Weight 20-50 gm colour Black Length 10-12 inch Usage Hospital and Clinic A pinhole occluder is an opaque disk with one or more small holes through it, used by ophthalmologists, orthoptists and optometrists to test visual acuity. The occluder is a Weight 20-50 gm colour Black Length 10-12 inch Usage Hospital and Clinic A pinhole occluder is an opaque disk with one or more small holes through it, used by ophthalmologists, orthoptists and optometrists to test visual acuity. The occluder is a
Price: Rs.1050  Rs.1050 (0% OFF) Rs.1050
Stock: Available
Payment Mode: Cash On Delivery [COD] & Online Payment
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Eye Pinhole Occuluder
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