BP Bladder Green Adult(Pack of 2)

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BP Bladder Green Adult(Pack of 2)

Name: BP Bladder Green Adult(Pack of 2)
Code: BPB022
Description: A sphygmomanometer, also known as a blood pressure meter, blood pressure monitor, or blood pressure gauge, is a device used to measure blood pressure, composed of an inflatable cuff to collapse and then release the artery under the cuff in a controll A sphygmomanometer, also known as a blood pressure meter, blood pressure monitor, or blood pressure gauge, is a device used to measure blood pressure, composed of an inflatable cuff to collapse and then release the artery under the cuff in a controll
Price: Rs.299  Rs.299 (0% OFF) Rs.299
Stock: Available
Payment Mode: Cash On Delivery [COD] & Online Payment
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BP Bladder Green Adult(Pack of 2)
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