Bipolar Cautery Machine

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Bipolar Cautery Machine

Name: Bipolar Cautery Machine
Code: BC001
Description: Low-Temperature Micro Fine Tip Cautery Cautery has sterile tips which are interchangeable and available in fine, flextip, or loop. Each tip comes with a sterile drape to cover the non-sterile handle. Tips have a 4 year shelf life. Available in Low-Temperature Micro Fine Tip Cautery Cautery has sterile tips which are interchangeable and available in fine, flextip, or loop. Each tip comes with a sterile drape to cover the non-sterile handle. Tips have a 4 year shelf life. Available in
Price: Rs.3600  Rs.3600 (0% OFF) Rs.3600
Stock: Available
Payment Mode: Cash On Delivery [COD] & Online Payment
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Bipolar Cautery Machine
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