back pain belt for women , back pain belt for men , lumbar pain relief

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back pain belt for women , back pain belt for men , lumbar pain relief

Name: back pain belt for women , back pain belt for men , lumbar pain relief
Code: bpbw098
Description: This lower back support belt can be used for acute lower back pain, slip disc, disc herniation, lumbar spondylosis, muscle weakness in the lumbar spine and other conditions causing pain and discomfort in the lower back, and requiring mild support. This lower back support belt can be used for acute lower back pain, slip disc, disc herniation, lumbar spondylosis, muscle weakness in the lumbar spine and other conditions causing pain and discomfort in the lower back, and requiring mild support.
Price: Rs.265  Rs.265 (0% OFF) Rs.265
Stock: Available
Payment Mode: Cash On Delivery [COD] & Online Payment
For UPI Payment: My UPI
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Product Description
back pain belt for women , back pain belt for men , lumbar pain relief
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